Reptile and Amphibian Conservation in Bruce Peninsula National Park

In 2019, over 134 species at risk did not become road mortality statistics due to the efforts of Parks Canada within Bruce Peninsula National Park and surrounding area. Through the installation of eco-passages and the implementation of a turtle nest protection program, reptile and amphibian conservation is thriving on the Peninsula. The Municipality has been a key partner in this project, allowing Park staff and volunteers to place nesting boxes along their roads, and giving permission for eco-passages to be installed on Dorcas Bay Road.

At BPEG’s February meeting, Tricia Robins, Park Ecologist, shared some of the success stories of the Road to Recovery conservation project, based on her Master’s thesis. Tricia biked a 40 km route daily for 2 seasons and recorded all reptile and amphibian road mortality; she was especially interested in vulnerable species such as Massasauga rattlesnakes and turtles. A hotspot analysis identified the highest concentration of road kills.

Using her findings, the Park installed 2.2 km of fencing and built 8 eco-passages on Dorcas Bay, Emmett Lake and Cyprus Lake roads. These passages were specially designed for amphibians and reptiles with most featuring a grate to let light into the tunnels. Over 2000 “eco-passengers” have used the passages since 2018, which is indicative of their effectiveness. Park staff monitor the tunnels by trail camera and identify the species travelling through. This included over 1500 reptiles and amphibians, however other species benefit from these passages as well including families of virginia railwood duck and minks.

Future plans for the Road to Recovery project include repeating biking surveys to record road mortality and compare the results of previous studies to determine the mitigation effectiveness.

Another segment of this conservation effort was the Turtle Trackers volunteer program, in which 45 volunteers monitor and protect turtle nesting areas. In May/June the volunteers place protective boxes over active turtle nests, once the mother turtle has left the site. Park staff oversee the nests during July/August, the incubation period. The volunteers return in Sept/Oct during hatching season, and check each box 3 times a day to release baby turtles to the nearest wetland area. The program protected 108 nests in the 2019 season within the Park and surrounding area, including 16 on the Saugeen Reserve in partnership with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation community.

In some cases, turtle eggs have to be moved due to construction or proximity to roads and driveways. The Park’s egg incubation program released 290 hatchlings back to their wetlands in 2019.

About the same number of nests of snapping turtles and painted turtles were protected by nest boxes, but a snapping turtle can lay up to 50 eggs, while the painted turtle lays about 10 eggs.

Laura Sagermann led the Visitor Engagement programs offering interpretative programming to over 3000 visitors and local community members per year, installing signage at eco-passages, and hosting special events such as the auction of resin turtle shells painted by local artists. There were workshops on the building of the nesting boxes, where participants also learned proper installation, turtle species, and nest identification.

Nesting boxes are available for loan to landowners outside the park.

Four eco-passages and fencing will be installed north of Cameron Lake when Hwy 6 is resurfaced. Parks Canada is collaborating with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to identify the most effective spots for installation.

Asked about re-purposing existing culverts as eco-passages, Tricia explained that some of the culverts might not be as welcoming due to size, wetness/dryness, lighting; additionally, fencing would also have to be installed to direct the animals towards the culvert.

In the coming years, the Park aims to share best management practices with other parks throughout Ontario and further expand the nest protection program to the Saugeen and Neyaashiinigmiing communities.

BPDS Walks the Talk – The story of our environmental action

Over the years BPEG has partnered with BPDS by assisting with building a garden and composting as well as providing funds for projects that enhanced the learning of environmental issues. For the December meeting BPEG invited the students of BPDS to bring us up to date on what the students have been engaged in regarding environmental action and learning about climate change. Seven grade 7/8 students came with one of their teachers and a well thought out power point presentation.

The school has been engaged in environmental action for many years, having a UNESCO designation. Being a branch of the United Nations, UNESCO was created to help promote peace and understanding through Education, Science and Culture. With the Bruce Peninsula being declared a UN Biosphere Reserve, the BPDS School Community Council felt the school should try to earn the ranking as a Unesco associated school. This endeavour was led by Doug Petter & Ruth Hellyer. Between 2004-2008 BPDS staff & students worked hard to incorporate the aspects of the four UNESCO pillars into school events and daily lessons – the 4 pillars being: 1-Promote UNESCO values; 2.Practice Global Citizen Education; 3.Education for Sustainable Development; 4.Reconciliation – there were a number of teachers working on this, to mention a few, Tara Stanton, Terri Munn, Betsy Burrows, Birch Behman, Matt Pickett. In 2008 there was a big celebration as the school received its official designation as a UNESCO school.

At BPDS the UNESCO Club is an extra-curricular activity open to Gr.7/8 students. In the past 2 years they have focused on learning more about UN Global goals and raising awareness in the school through various activities such as: Water Walks; Vow of Silence: 30 hour famine; Food drive; Rafiki Bracelets (Me to We fundraiser) and Awareness Days asking questions such as “What is your carbon Footprint?”.

Being a UNESCO school has led to other affiliations. BPDS joined ECOschools Canada, a voluntary environmental certification program where the school has specific goals to achieve to show that they are incorporating environmental practices and education every year. Some of these requirements are: monitoring the schools energy use & waste; recycling & composting program; plan & implement a ‘green’ natural environment on the school yard. With hard work & dedication BPDS reached the highest level ‘platinum’ , accomplishing this in a shorter period of time than most schools. – find more info about this program at

In 2014, they started the “Simply Living Simply Project” which has monthly themes to challenge students, staff and community members to look closely at how they can live more conscientiously in a planet friendly manner.

The school has created amazing partnerships with local organizations, namely the Biosphere Association, BPEG and the National Park.

The school was represented at the UNESCO Conference in Winnipeg, in April 2018. The organizers of the conference were so impressed with the school’s initiatives that they forwarded the information to the UN Conference in Paris, France! Now, schools from around the world, are asking BPDS how they managed to put together such a great project.

Students are now beginning a new project dedicated to combating Climate Change – the 3% Project – – in which students are currently researching and developing potential projects and engaging with the community through surveys to find which projects resonate with the larger community.

The most recent engagement has been to partner with BPEG to take a delegation to our local municipal council (Dec. 9, 2019) where the students presented their concerns regarding

climate change and together with BPEG representatives asked the council to “formally acknowledge the scientific evidence on climate change and establish a Climate Action Committee composed of council members, municipal staff and citizens, to recommend evidence-based and collaborative actions to reduce the impacts of climate change on the municipality and our community for generations to come.” The motion, put forward by councillor Megan Myles was adopted unanimously by MNBP council.

Thanks to the dedication of the staff at BPDS, presently in particular Tara Stanton, Melissa Rosenburg & Ashley Earle, BPDS is a school that the community can be very proud of.

The Light of the Universe

Oh, my Stars! Peering into the night skies have been the purview of Doug and Paula Cunningham for over 48 years. Their fascination began on their honeymoon, at their family cottage in PEI, prompting the purchase of their first book “ New Handbook of the Heavens” and many years later, the building of observatories and free ‘night sky’ programs here on the Bruce Peninsula.

Sprinkling their lively discussion and slide show with provocative photos of constellations with the words of poets through the ages,they brought out the spiritual importance of our relationship with the universe, which is our home. Traveling to China, Easter Island, Mongolia, Namibia, Turkey, the Atacama desert, and with other astronomers around the world, viewing and photographing at least 10 solar eclipses, and of course the Aurora Borealis. Not only observing the night skies on their journeys, they also learned about the different cultures that exist upon our planet.

The enthusiastic Cunninghams have not kept their hobby a private affair. Along with others who share their passion, they have shared our night skies on the BP at “the POD”, a specifically designed observation deck at the Lion’s Head Marina with FREE “ Night Sky” summer evening programs complete with telescopes. The Dark Skies and UNESCO World Biosphere projects have been foremost in their

work for years. They have also worked locally to limit light pollution which affects all of us. I personally liked the T shirt that states “Keep your light, out of my night!”

It’s easy to connect with their excitement and remember the first time I observed Saturn at the McDonald Observatory telescope in the Davis Mountains in Texas….in that instance, the overused slang word “Awesome” is actually “Right ON!”

To get a taste of the immensity of our galaxy, Doug mentioned the work of Nick Risinger’s work of photographing the complete Milky Way. Composed of 37,000 images, a 5,000 mega pixel photograph

now exists. And one of the many quotes from the great minds that have commented upon our night skies, physicist Henri Poincare (1837-1921) said,

“The Scientist does not study nature because it is useful. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it, because it is beautiful”

Clean and Green Home Heating

BPEG chair, Rod Layman, shared his work-life experience in HVAC, complete with charts and lots of statistics!

Rod reviewed the pluses and minuses of heating systems, including some new tech and interesting pluses for some of the old tech. Showing a photo of in-floor heating being installed in his Lion’s Head residence, we could see the large thermal mass inside the structure, concrete in this case, working as a heat sink and delivering radiant heat to the entire house. The floor, a dark-coloured concrete when finished, also absorbs sunlight through large south-facing windows, radiating it back as heat — the passive solar effect. When discussing forced air furnaces he stressed that installing fresh filters as critical for effectiveness/economy.

Regarding carbon (CO2) emissions of heating systems, wood burning came in quite favourably since it’s assumed that for every tree burned, a new one replaces it, re-absorbing an equal amount of carbon. Oil furnaces, on the other hand, are the dragon of carbon emissions, with propane coming second. Electric heat in Ontario has low carbon emissions now that coal-fired plants are gone. This is especially true with the use of air source heat pumps and geothermal.

The air source heat pump (ASHP) works like an air conditioning unit in reverse. Better technology is making it a practical and cost-effective heating system. The heat pump unit is a n external box, usually fastened to an outside wall at the back or side of a house, that extracts heat from outside air – even at minus 20C. The heat pump is on average 2.8 times more efficient than electric baseboards. ASHP installation costs are coming down, about $5,000 for a smaller house, and the reduced electricity bills will often pay back this cost in 6-7 years. ASHPs can also provide cooling in summer, and their CO2 emissions are lower than all but wood heating. Geothermal systems are also very efficient but have very high installation costs, 20-40K.

Winds of Change, Stories of Neyaashiinigmiing Fishers from the Bagida’Waad Alliance

Erratic winds and warming waters are threatening the First Nations commercial fishing industry.

The Bagida’waad Alliance, a registered not-for-profit corporation, was founded in March 2018 by Chippewas of Nawash Fishing families. The goals are to research and educate how climate change is affecting the waters of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, encourage their youth to document the stories of the Elders about the fish, and to do more active stewardship of the lands and waters.

At BPEG’s March Meeting, Natasha Akiwenzie shared the observations of Bagida’waad members regarding changes in the waters over the last 15 years; and related her family’s story of no longer being able to earn a livelihood and having to close the last provincially certified Indigenous fish processing plant in Southern Ontario.

She said that Fishers need two good days to fish: one day to set the nets and the second day to lift the nets. Natasha recalled that in the past, her family could fish for five days on average then it dropped to three days, and currently with the strong erratic winds, it has been difficult to find those two days. Strong winds bring white caps and dangerous swells, while erratic wind directions and speeds bring more algae that tangle the nets and destroy the mesh, increasing both the risk and cost to the Fishers.

Natasha said from their historical memories and intimate knowledge of the fishing grounds, they know what is currently happening is not part of a cycle but that something is wrong.

Whitefish stocks are declining, the fish are no longer where they traditionally have been, and fish caught are coming up “soft”, which Natasha explained is when fillets are flaky, not firm. This indicates that the water is too warm for whitefish, and the Fishers jokingly say the fish are “pre-cooked”.

The greater frequency of snow squalls may be due to the lack of ice cover, and less cover means that fingerling whitefish have no protection from the waves and are smashed into the shallow rocky shoals.

When asked about the restocking by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Natasha said it would be preferable to stock bait fish. Current practices of restocking with predator fish creates an aquarium-like environment and disrupts the natural balance of the ecosystem. Ideally, she thought if the MNR could stop restocking non-native fish for 5 years, it would be good to see how Mother Nature looks after it.

The Alliance has been applying for grants, some of which are to buy equipment to track near shore water temperatures at a variety of depths and collect the empirical data to see if it substantiates what they have been observing.

They are currently running a project named “Oshki Maadaadiziwin Jaa Bimaaji’ut Gigooyike: New Journey to Save Fish,” which involves community youth interviewing Elders and Fishers to document and compile the stories for a book and mini-documentary – this will be shared at the Sources of Knowledge Forum this May. This project includes recording the Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge in their community to be able to show the correlation with the academic scientific data. They aim to collect the data through accessing existing government and institutional research, as well as filling the gaps with their own research equipment and studies.

They are partnering with many other conservation groups to share knowledge and gather information. Their unique perspective offers insight about the stark changes in the waters of Lake Huron and what can be done to help in the coming years.

A winter’s paddling expedition across Georgian Bay

What does the heart of Georgian Bay look like in winter? Is it possible to do a winter crossing? Scott Parent was curious to find those answers and when Zane Davies’ first answer was “not on your life”, Scott knew this was the guy to join him on what was to be a paddling expedition on a wintry Georgian Bay.

Scott Parent and Zane Davies presented their fascinating story to a packed audience at the Jan 2019 BPEG Meeting.

This was not an adventure to be undertaken lightly and would draw on all their skills and preparations.

Altogether, the team had over 10 years experience with ice climbing, glacial expeditions, outdoor adventure, fire and water rescue and spent weeks developing systems to allow them to traverse the transitionary terrain of open water and thick and thin ice. They experimented with a wide range of gear from ice climbing tools, ski poles, dry suits and reinforced paddle boards, and used NOAA satellite images to study the ice. They also set some ground rules such as ‘not risking each other lives” and ‘self-rescue” and “not to travel at night”.

After practicing off Lighthouse Point at Neyaashiinigmiing, refining their techniques, finally the required mature ice formed during the last days of winter/early spring 2015. Ideally, they needed 4 to 5 days of consistent weather whereby the wind would not change direction. The only window during the 4 week training and waiting period was 3 days. “Go Day” was 11 March 2015, the overnight ice was less than 2 inches thick.

With their fibreglass paddleboards reinforced with glued-on crazy carpets, 2 drysuits, 2 sets of gear each, food essentials such as beef jerky and chocolate bars and a balmy 0C (quite different conditions from their minus 20C practice days with glare ice); they left from Neyaashiinigmiing. The greatest threat were bummocks, large plates of ice turned up by the wind and hidden under the floes that can be pushed up at anytime. They walked on the ice, tapping ahead every step, constantly in tune with the ice and what it was doing all around.

Day One was slow going, by nightfall they had completed 20km, with another 27km to get to the Western Island Lighthouse. Sleeping on their paddleboards and in their dry suits, they accounted “ best night sleep ever”. However, while they were sleeping, the ice opened up and they drifted backwards 1.5 km, panicking their ground support tracking them on their SPOT device.

On the second day, they pushed through to the Western Lighthouse and camped out in the lighthouse. With the movement of the ice, had they stayed on the ice, it would have taken them an extra day to get back on track. With cell service, they were able to update their families and arrange their transport home.

They arrived at 12 Mile Bay on March 13, 2015, meeting their families for the drive back home.

They noted how deadly quiet the lake was, admired the dark skies, met one seagull. 3.33% of the trek was on open water. Asked if they would repeat the trek, Zane replied “maybe Lake Superior!”


4 Dec 2018 7:30 PM

Canada’s UNESCO-designated biosphere reserves are all unique, facing differing challenges but all trying to find sustainable, innovative solutions to help human communities and ecosystems thrive.

Yvonne Drebert, Documentary Film & Television Producer, and Director Zach Melnick, creators of “The Bruce” documentary, showcased SeasNow at work on Season 2 of “Striking Balance,” they travelled coast to coast over 6 months, sourcing stories of the peoples living in UNESCO-designated biosphere reserves and how those residents seek to balance economic growth and environmental needs.

Yvonne and Zach would drive to one location, stay for 2 to 3 weeks to film and then drive to the next locale. Finally, returning to their basement studio at their home in Miller Lake, they are now into editing the TVO series.

Each Biosphere has differing capacity, geographic characteristics and varying interpretations on what they should do. However, these groups provide a network for learning from each other and sharing ideas aimed at sustainable solutions to working and thriving in nature.


Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia suffered years of conflict over clear cut logging which destroyed the ability of giant Red cedars to regenerate, damaged salmon habitats and denuded the land. This “War of the Woods” protest against logging, one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in Canadian history, culminated in the creation of a Tribal Park (an indigenous watershed management area). With a 500 year view for an economic diversification strategy, the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations peoples are producing value added products such as canoes and at the same time teaching these traditional skills to the next generation.

previewed 3 clips from Season 1:

Over 164 Grizzlies live in Waterton Biosphere Reserve, and with the bears being increasingly protected in Alberta, ranchers have to find new ways to coexist with them. The Biosphere has an active role in finding solutions to decreasing conflict. Drawing from Parks Canada’s experiences with Black Bears, the Biosphere has introduced dead animal bins with bear proof doors and raised grain hopper bins, contributing to a 95% reduction in bear problems. Key to this program is offering a compensation package to farmers/ranchers who lose livestock to bears.

On the Bras d’Or Lake of Cape Breton Island, a parasite ravaged 90% of the oyster population. Both traditional Mi’kmaq knowledge and modern science are being applied to create disease resistant oysters and offer a viable livelihood for the human inhabitants.

Yvonne and Zach are working on Season 2, one segment will feature our very own Niagara Escarpment Biosphere. Filming will start in the new year. They are open to story ideas for this segment (

You can stream Season 1 from the TVO’s website (



Presented by Anne James. Article by Barbara Bobo

“C’est Quoi? ” A puffy jacket made of milkweed down? It’s true, “C’est vrai!” A Quebec company, Quartz, has teamed with 100 farmers in Quebec and six in Vermont to sell parkas stuffed with milkweed down in 275 stores in 25 countries. “Incroyable”. But a great idea — and a terrific idea for saving the monarch butterflies host plant. We all catch our breath when we see a big beautiful monarch float by. Recently threatened along with many of our pollinators, monarchs can be raised in your own backyard or in your own home. All it takes, according to Anne James, who has raised over 1,OOO at her Monarch way station in Lion’s Head, is milkweed. It does not take a lot of expensive equipment, no special license, they do not need shots, nor do they need to go for walks. But there is work involved if you become attracted to butterfly husbandry: Finding the tiny eggs on the host plant, cutting the milkweed plants back to stimulate the growth of the young leaves to feed the caterpillars and collecting leaves and green pods to rear them. Rearing in captivity provides protection from predators such as stink bugs, red ants, larger caterpillars and earwigs to name a few. You may also want to grow milkweed in your flower beds — they are stunning plants with fragrant lilac blooms. At the Sept. meeting of the Bruce Peninsula Environment Group, Anne took us through a colourful slide presentation and explained her simple equipment through the 30-day evolution from egg, to caterpillar, to the magical chrysalis stage — the birth of the butterfly — to the climax of the release of fully fledged butterflies. She did not “nectar” coat the details of the day-to-day care. Why do this at all, why not let nature raise them? Well, it is simple. The decline of the butterflies and bees as well, has its roots in agricultural practices and urbanization. Pesticides, which quash the wild plants needed to propagate, milkweed in the monarch’s case, and loss of habitat have decreased the population and hampered its return at the end of the year to Michoacán-Mexico, about two hours west of Mexico City. One of our audience members had visited to see the miraculous sight of hundreds of millions of the butterflies clumped on giant pines, obliterating the foliage. Perhaps a bucket list item for those who travel to Mexico? Why save the monarchs, or any of our pollinators for that matter? When we save the wild things, plant or animal, we save ourselves. Whether a food source or a soul saving source, we need them. We are a part of the ecosystem as well. None of us can really know the importance of every bit of nature’s puzzle, but we can enjoy some of the more beautiful aspects of nature and the monarch certainly reigns supreme!



Karen Farbridge talks about her experiences as a mayor of Guelph. 

As a youth Karen Farbridge announced she would be studying big carnivorous cats in Africa. Instead, she went from studying toxic salmon in polluted streams in her home province to studying toxic carnivorous characters in local politics! In fact, she tamed both citizens and city councillors using careful strategies of listening, humility, understanding priorities and setting goals where all could prosper.

Farbridge, former mayor of Guelph, was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Bruce Peninsula Environment Group in Lion’s Head on Aug. 1. Her topic: How local government and community can work together to preserve the environment. Guelph activists inspired Farbridge, who has a doctorate in biology, to leave the research lab in 1993 and work on local issues. When she approached city council with an allotted five-minute presentation on conservation, she was met with a boisterous reprimand from one member of council who said she was wasting their time. This only strengthened her resolve. She was 10 years ahead of her time with her conservation plan, she reckons, but she could see that the slogan, Think Globally, Act Locally, was the right path for her and her city. Working with engaged citizens and community leaders on issues of social justice and sustainability, she quickly realized the status quo works very hard to “do it the way it has always been done” to protect its self interest.

She had to convince community leaders that water conservation, protecting farmland and groundwater, waste management through composting, protecting natural heritage sites, and other sustainability programs would benefit everyone. Having studied the issues she was proposing and having examples of communities that had involved themselves in these programs helped.

She noted that a local reporter came up with this line about her plans: “The government may have no business in your bedroom, but it does want to know what you do in the bathroom.” Dealing with libertarians, conservatives, evangelicals, tax fighters, contrarians, and others of various stripes is the stuff of city council meetings. Finding common ground is key. The city of Guelph managed to construct an eight-point plan for sustainability that would serve all of the people. Toilet and washing machine rebates, grey water systems, built-in rain water collection systems pitched to developers would mean more growth for their business if the taxes remained reasonable to new home builders. Leaving streams open for enjoyment instead of enclosing them was an ecological as well as economical move.

With four political campaigns and three terms as mayor, her advice, “Be clear about your values, be humble about what you don’t know, listen with empathy, and be open to change.” She believes a democracy should reflect a balance of gender and ethnic diversity on all government levels.



Dr. Trace Mackay talks about ticks on the peninsula, their life cycle and presence among us, and what we need to know to protect ourselves.

To hear an audio recording of the talk click here.

Background on me: veterinarian for 15 years and completed a masters of public health degree in 2010. For that degree I did a placement at the Grey Bruce Health Unit and conducted active tick surveillance in Bruce county dragging for ticks and did not find any Lyme disease positive ticks or significant signs of endemic tick populations in the county.  

About ticks: Most ticks live in forested areas with sandy soil and lots of leaf litter. They wait on grasses upto 30cm in height to hitchhike onto passing animals or people – this is called questing. Wild animals are typically the target – mice and deer are part of the natural blacklegged tick/deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) life cycle and are involved in spreading the bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) that can cause Lyme disease. There are other ticks around (groudhog ticks, dog ticks, brown ticks, and the newest tick in town the Lonestar tick) and other tick borne diseases than Lyme disease. People and dogs are not the intended targets for ticks but incidental targets – dogs are more likely to pick up ticks than people as they will wander off paths into grassy places where leaf litter builds up and they have nice fur to cling onto – this is why dogs are important sentinels for the discovery of tick problem areas. Ticks usually hitch a ride on clothing and then find a way to get to our skin until the can find a warm, moist location to attach and feed. Most common spots to find attached ticks on people are hairline/scalp, behind or in ears, armpits and groin, and between toes but they could attach anywhere. Spots to check on pets include in/around the ears, under collars, on the back/neck, axillae (dog “armpits”) and groin and between toes.  

Do we have a problem with ticks and Lyme disease on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula? The answer is not likely. There is no evidence that tick populations are cycling through our winters and there is no evidence to suggest we have an endemic Lyme disease problem in our tick and wildlife populations. What we do have is all of the perfect habitat, wildlife hosts and migrating birds that will drop ticks off in the spring that they have picked up further south. As climate change continues and our winters shorter with less below freezing days, tick populations can establish (ticks can be active anytime temperatures are 4’C or warmer – we can still see tick activity all through the winter on breakthrough warm days). So we need to be aware of ticks, but not worried too much about tick bites and tick borne disease yet. There are many areas in Ontario that are Lyme endemic areas with large tick populations  (notably along the north shores of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence waterway) so extra precautions should be taken when visiting these areas. Not all ticks carry disease causing bacteria and even when they do, people and dogs have less than a 5% chance of contracting an illness from a Lyme positive tick. It takes 24-36 hours of blood feeding/attachment time for ticks to infect a person or pet with bacteria or viruses. If a tick is just crawling on your skin, you won’t get sick from it and there is no need to keep it or get it/yourself/or your pet tested – flushing it down the toilet is the best way to get rid of it. 

What can we do about ticks? Prevention, prevention, prevention. In our own backyards, we should keep grass cut and remove leafy debris where ticks will go to molt and lay eggs. We should stay on paths when we hike and wear appropriate clothing in areas where picking up a tick is possible – long pants tucked into socks, shirt tucked in. Use effective repellents on lower body clothing like DEET and check yourself, your family members and pets for ticks after walking in wooded/grassy areas. A sticky lint roller brush is a great tool to take over your clothes or throw them in the dryer when you get home – this would dry out and kill ticks on clothing. Having a shower will wash off any ticks that may have gotten onto your skin within hours of a hike. Ask your veterinarian about tick medications for your dogs and outdoor cats that kill ticks quickly rather than just repel ticks – any dead tick is one less tick that could lay 100s of eggs that will grow into more ticks.  

What if you still find a tick on yourself or your pet? The best thing to do is remove it quickly without “ticking off the tick” – use tweezers or a tick removal tool to get under the biting pieces and pull straight out. Do not put any irritants like alcohol on the tick as this can cause it to dump more bacteria from its gut into your skin. If you can’t pull the tick off yourself, seek medical or veterinary assistance or use vaseline or vegetable oil to smother the tick for a slower release. Wash the area with basic disinfectant. Save that tick – you can submit ticks to the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit for testing if found on a person or to a veterinary clinic that is collecting ticks as part of the passive surveillance plan. Pet owners can also send pictures of ticks or mail ticks to the University of Guelph to be identified and tested – information on how to submit ticks can be found at And monitor your health and your pets healthy for any changes up to 30 days after a tick exposure. If you develop a bulls eye rash that spread outwards from the bite site or experience any other unusual symptoms, seek care from your doctor as most tick borne diseases are easily treated with a course of antibiotics. Early detection and early treatment are key in preventing Lyme disease and other tick borne illnesses. 

So the bottom line is this: we should be aware of ticks on ourselves and our pets, do what we can to prevent tick exposures, but keep on enjoying the great outdoors as the health benefits of keeping ourselves and our pets active far outweighs the risk of contracting a tick borne disease on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula. People can learn more about tick activity by following the Grey Bruce Health Unit website or