Resilience – Transforming our Community

Scientist Dr. John Anderson describes human response to climate change: 17% will do something, 50% accept that climate change is happening but not doing anything about it, 5% disengaged, don’t care and 28% actively work against the message of climate change.

Which one are you?

On July 3, BPEG screened Resilience – Transforming our Community, a climate change film of action and hope.

Owen Sound filmmaker Liz Zetlin says the aim of the film is to provide a catalyst for community action. She feels it is important for communities to talk about what is important to them and what action they should take. She hopes this film will push conversations on climate change forward in practical ways.

30 years ago, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its first warning but our trajectory has been “business as usual”, setting up the worse case scenario. Green Tech entrepreneur/author Tom Rand states “We could very well see modern civilization brought to its knees in our lifetime.”

However, Dr Anderson brings the message of hope, there is still time to make changes, transforming our societies into more sustainable ones.

From a local perspective, the film looks at practical ways Grey Bruce residents and associations are responding to climate change.

After viewing the film, the audience was asked “ What does all this really mean to you?” and “What could or should we be doing in our community now?

The take away from the film: talk about climate change and then decide what you will do about it, be it to shop locally, reduce use of plastics, educate local government, join an action group.

BPEG is actively working to reduce single-use plastic waste by promoting the use of mesh vegetable bags and refillable water bottles.

To watch the film,

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