Environment Matters

On 3 April, BPEG hosted a conversation cafe, members were asked to identify their main environmental concerns. The issues identified will serve as topics for future monthly meetings and to determine which projects and interests to support.

Single use plastics in the environment. What to do about plastic water bottles and plastic food packaging? Public awareness and behaviour need to change, as do the practices at all levels of the food industry. Can we learn from the experience of Bayfield, Ontario, the first North American community to be recognized as a “plastic-free community”? BPDS 7/8 graders have adopted an environmental project focusing on single-use plastics: how can we support them? How to improve separating garbage and recyclables, e.g. use of clear plastic garbage bags?

Sustainable tourism. What are practical ways to support implementation of the tourism management plan? How to mitigate the negative impacts of the tourist season: e.g. more public washrooms and garbage and recycling containers. What activities help shift tourism to the off-season, e.g. the Biosphere’s Eco-Tours.

Zoning Bylaw proposed changes and issues: What are the key elements for good stewardship of the land and protection of the environment? How to build public awareness of the by-law contents ahead of the next round of decisions. What do the higher levels of residential and tourist development mean to our communities? What should be the rules around septic systems?

Neyaashiinigmiing / Cape Croker: How do we identify and collaborate on common environmental concerns?

Invasive Species: We hear about Gobis, Zebra Mussels, phragmities, and ash-borers. What are the best ways to know what is happening in our wetlands, lakes and forests – what monitoring systems are there and how can we support initiatives dealing with certain species? What are long-term strategies, e.g. saving seeds and replanting endangered species of plants?

Black bears on the Bruce: Loss of habitat and connected forest tracts are two of the biggest threats to the peninsula’s bears. What should be done to protect them and ensure their future here?

Fire prevention and education: What are the obvious and not-so-obvious safe practices? Given the peninsula’s difficult geography and impact of hotter, drier summers, should we be focusing on education on the dangers of fires?

Renewable and sustainable energy for heating, home use and transportation: What are emerging technologies in these areas? Transportation on the peninsula needs to shift away from exclusively private vehicles: how can we foster this? What will the non-fossil-fuel economy look like?

Agriculture and Food: How is climate change altering the peninsula’s agriculture? What impact does pesticide use have on our environment and how can this change? How can we support and expand the practice of eating local?

Look forward to some interesting and engaging presentations as we seek to address these concerns.